The Story About CopyCalc

Welcome to, a dedicated space for Tableau developers to enhance their efficiency and streamline their workflows. I created this website to fill the needs I've personally experienced as a Tableau Developer. That started with the need for a place to come and quickly copy calculated fields, format messy calculated fields, and build out custom color palettes. I'll also be sharing tips and tricks that I've come across along my journey, like how to get rid of the blue highlight when it's not needed.

I hope you find the website beneficial, and as you're in your Tableau story, I hope that CopyCalc will be a helpful tool for you to use along the way.


Have questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello? Connect with me on LinkedIn!

About Me

My name is Justin, and I've been building Tableau dashboards and visualizations since 2018. I enjoy learning and using code languages, which is why I built this website with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. I would love to see a future update in Tableau with more support for CSS and HTML within Tableau Desktop and Server. Being able to more easily round corners and create shadows would be a game changer.

In my professional career, I've always enjoyed serving my customers with reporting that is user-friendly, interactive, and insightful. I love passing on my techniques to others along the way. I'm glad you decided to check out CopyCalc, and I hope you'll pass along any suggestions to make the site better and more helpful for all users.

tableau developer Justin R.